Hangzhou Jingke Instrument Co., Ltd.
Add: 39 Golf Road, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
P. C.: 311402
Tel: +86-571-63323636
Fax: +86-571-63323795
URL : jjjianbaqc.cn
Product name:FB2018 and FB2018A type comprehensive measuring system of micro-length
The instrument consists of micrometer, spring, piezoresistive force sensor, reading microscope, micrometer eyepiece, and measuring instrument.
Experimental contents
☆To measure mini-elongation of spring by micrometer;
☆To measure mini-displacement change by Hall sensor;
☆To measure mini-length by micrometer eyepiece;
☆To measure mini-elongation of spring by spring balance, and etc.

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