Hangzhou Jingke Instrument Co., Ltd.
Add: 39 Golf Road, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
P. C.: 311402
Tel: +86-571-63323636
Fax: +86-571-63323795
URL : jjjianbaqc.cn
Product name:FB816A type experimental equipment of chaotic encryption communication
Experimental contents
☆To observe chaos phenomenon in non-linear circuit;
(1)To measure volt-ampere characteristics of negative resistance element;
(2)To measure characteristic curve of non-linear resistance;
☆Bifurcation and chaos test of oscillating period of non-linear circuit:
(1)Chua's circuit; (2)Three curve segments of negative resistance elements.
☆To test Feigenbaum constants.
☆Chaotic encryption communication test.

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